Submitting to Film Festivals

Submitting your film to festivals can be exhilarating on one had, and heart-wrenchingly frustration on the other. Rejection after rejection can be frustrating. But don’t lose hope, help is is at hand. As a Film Festival Director and a filmmaker, I know the importance of preparating and researching, to present your film in the best way possible.


My book outlines proven strategies that have helped me go from a 1 in 20 to a 1 in 3 success rate. Which is much more satisfying. By investing in this book, you’ll increase your chances of success and save yourself from heartache and wasting money. Take your film to the next level and achieve festival success with this must-read book.

For less than the price of one festival submission,
you will give yourself the best chance of succeeding when submit.


Only $12.50 for the paperback and $4.00 for the eBook at AMAZON.COM

Only £9.82 for the paperback and £3.00 for the eBook at AMAZON.CO.UK


For all other information about submitting to film festivals why not GET IN TOUCH

Submitting to Film Festivals?

This book gives you inside information.

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