Here is a selection of free resources that will help you in the process of making your film. More importantly, they will make it easier for you to plan and prepare forSubmitting To Film Festivals.The below list will be updated as I go along and if you would like to contribute a templateGET IN TOUCH. Feel free to revisit and see what’s new. If you want to ask for a specific form – drop me a line.
Alternatively, you can purchase a PDF copy directly from me for 5 dollars. Simply send 5.00$ to viaPAYPAL, along with the correct email and it will be sent to you within 24 hours.
You may find that you want to adapt them to suit yourself and how you organise your workflow. So feel free to adapt them, there is no copyright on the free resources.
Some of these are the PDF’s converted to word doc. This makes life easy when you decided to change the free resource templates to suit your preferred way of working.
Blake Snyder Beat Sheet is the best plot structure template I’ve come across. It breaks down the three act structure into bite size, manageable sections, each with a specific goal for your overall story.
Once your film is completed and you plan to make a preview screening. make sure you put together a Film Screening Evaluation Sheet. This will give you valuable feedback on your film.
It means “to build, or put together.” There are many plot points in a screenplay. In the creation of the story line, the most important are Plot Point I and Plot Point II. The four elements of structure, beginning, Plot Point I, Plot Point II and the ending, will always hold your story in place. (The attached includes a Paradigm for Shawshank Redemption). You can get more information from theSYD FIELDS PAGE.
A film risk assessment is a valuable production document that could even save someone’s life. This form protects the cast, crew and public from possible injury. Of course, you can’t entirely prevent accidents, but you can avoid most by taking the time to complete this form.
You will find everything you need to know and gain full insight when you order